Apache Kafka on Kubernetes workshop
Details of the training could be find here:
- [Lecture] - Lecture session
- [Demo] - Demo session
- [Exercise] - Exercise session
- General Sessions:
- [Lecture] Intro - 5 mins
- [Lecture] Apache Kafka Basics - 25 mins
- Kafka for Administrators
- [Lecture] Kafka on Kubernetes - challenges - 10 mins
- [Lecture] Kubernetes Storage 101 - 20 mins
- [Lecture] Kubernetes Operators Intro - 10 mins
- [Lecture] Strimzi -
- [Demo] Strimzi Demo
- [Exercise] Install Strimzi on Minikube
- [Exercise] Scaling up Kafka Brokers
- [Exercise] Repartitioning
- [Lecture] Kafka Configuration
- [Lecture] Partitioning
- [Lecture] Log Compaction
- [Demo] How to reconfigure Kafka Topics in Kafka on K8s
- [Exercise] Rolling Update of Topic configuration
- [Exercise] Rolling Update of Broker configuration
- [Lecture] Kafka Configuration for HA
- [Lecture] Replicas and In-Sync Replicas (ISRs)
- [Lecture] Monitoring Kafka Cluster
- [Demo] Kafka Monitoring Demo - Prometheus + Grafana
- [Exercise] Install Prometheus + Grafana on Minikube
- [Lecture] Troubleshooting and Debugging
- [Exercise] Solving problems with running cluster
- [Lecture] Kafka Partitioning, partition vs consuments, repartitioning
- [Lecture] Kafka Backup Strategies
- [Exercise] Create MirrorMaker to Backup Cluster
- Kafka for Developers
- [Lecture] Kafka Producers and Consumers
- [Lecture] Writing Kafka Producer
- [Lecture] Producer API
- [Exercise] Create Simple Producer and deploy it on K8s
- [Lecture] Writing Kafka Consumer
- [Lecture] Consumer API
- [Exercise] Create Simple Consumer and deploy it on K8s
- [Lecture] Patterns for Kafka Consumers and Producers
- [Exercise] Message Acknowledgement
- [Exercise] Transactions and Fallback technique
- [Lecture] Kafka Streams API
- [Exercise] Windows, Joins, Tables, and State Stores